just a girl's life

Monday, 23. September 2002

now, that everything's over

how is it possible, that I still can feel you, feel your thoughts and feel your heart beating?

would you please stop thinking of me?

it was the wrong time, you said, it was too much, you said - and sure you're right.

and you're wrong.

it happened, when it happened, when it HAD to happen. too much and yet not enough.

just because you said what you said, but most of all because you didn't say what you didn't say. just because I felt what I felt, but most of all because I didn't feel what I didn't feel. just because you did what you did, but most of all because you didn't do what you didn't do.

somehow it wasn't ment to be.

... Link

einer ganz besonderen frau

möchte ich sagen, dass ich sie vermissen werde, dass sie es war, die mir den mut gegeben hat, selbst zu schreiben, dass sie es war, die so oft worte für mich gefunden hat, wenn ich keine mehr hatte.

frau, die ich nie gesehen habe, mit der ich nie einen abend bei rotwein oder mojito verbringen werde, in manchen nächten warst du mir näher als jeder andere.

don't get lost!

love me

... Link

why in english?

fragt mich einer derer, der das hier nicht ganz richtig verstanden hat und davon gab es offenbar einige. jungs, einiges hier ist natürlich nicht wörtlich zu nehmen, aber mein herz liegt dennoch nicht zwischen meinen beinen.

sorry to dash your hopes though.

but the question is a good one. maybe because it's not my mother-tongue?

because it's so much easier writing such pathetic stuff in a foreign language. doesn't sound that real somehow.

it's much more like the lyrics of a song than like always the same banal heartsickness wearing a new dress day in and out.

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last updated: 4/3/04, 6:17 PM


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